Creative Brief & Advertising Tagline

Goal: To effectively open Target’s superstore in the Short North District of Columbus, Ohio, igniting excitement, cultivating a feeling of community among Columbus residents, and positioning Target as not just a retail giant but a local ally that celebrates Columbus-based brands.  


  1. Grand Opening Spectacle: Plan a spectacular store opening that attracts lots of people, garners media attention, and leaves a lasting impression.
  2. Brand Perception Shift: By offering Columbus-owned brands at this location, Target can transform its reputation from a multinational company to a community-focused partner that understands the city. 
  3. Drive Foot Traffic: Increase foot traffic to the store in the Short North District to increase sales and cultivate a following of devoted patrons.

Rationale: This angle for store launch will solve the following three business goals that Target has set for 2024:

  1. “To innovate and grow its more-than-$30-billion owned brand portfolio with new and on-trend items, quality and value.” 
    • Columbus is a city that loves its pride. Target will tap into this sentiment by selling Columbus-owned brands, thus becoming a part of the community fabric. 
  2. “To invest in building new stores and enhance existing locations to reach new guests and offer extra convenience.” 
    • The store opening here will be timely and the vibrant neighborhood of this district will serve as a strategic move, attracting a mix of residents, tourists and art lovers. This community will ensure a diverse customer base for this new superstore. 
  3. “To constantly seek new and innovative ways to deliver more value to our guests while strengthening communities where we do business.” 
    • By adding local art installations or collaborating with Columbus artists for unique store displays, Target will achieve business growth as well as create a symbiotic relationship that benefits both the community and the store.

Target Audience at Columbus:

  1. The Urban Explorer
    • Demographics: Gen Z and Millennials, aged 18–34. 
    • Psychographics: Adventurous, socially conscious, value experiences over possessions. 
    • Social Media Usage: Active on Instagram, TikTok and local event pages. 
  2. The Savvy Shopper
    • Demographics: Adults aged 25–54. 
    • Psychographics: Budget-conscious, quality seekers, appreciate convenience. 
    • Social Media Usage: Engage with Facebook groups and follow deal blogs. 
  3. The Community Champion
    • Demographics: All age groups, especially parents and retirees. 
    • Psychographics: Community-oriented, attend local events and support small businesses. 
    • Social Media Usage: Participate in neighborhood forums and read local newspapers. 

 Engagement Strategy:

  1. Pre-Launch Teasers
    • Social Media Countdown: Daily posts revealing glimpses of the store, Columbus collaborations and behind-the-scenes moments. 
    • Local Influencers: Partner with Columbus influencers to share their excitement about the upcoming store. 
  2. Grand Opening
    • Live Event: A lively grand opening with music, food trucks, photo ops and interactive experiences. 
    • Exclusive Swag: Limited-edition tote bags/grocery bags featuring Columbus artists’ designs for the first 500 visitors. 
  3. Local Artisan Spotlights
    • In-Store Installations: Dedicated corners showcasing Columbus artists’ work right beside their products for maximum awareness and curiosity. 
    • Meet the Makers: Regular events and email newsletters with information on where customers can interact with these local creators. 
  4. Community Giveback
    • Local Charity Tie-In: Donate a portion of opening week sales to a Columbus-based charity tying into Target’s 5% profit with purpose motto. 
    • Volunteer Opportunities: Encourage employees and customers to volunteer in community projects and the Target Foundation.  

Channels: The campaign will be rolled out across billboards in Short North District and heavy footfall areas. Also, on social media platforms, including TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, to maximize visibility and engagement among the target demographic. Press releases would also appear in local publications and newspapers targeted to an older readership. Target can use interactive displays, locally created art, and tailored recommendations to enhance customer engagement after a store opens.


Advertising Tagline:

“Columbus TARGETS Local Flair and Global Value”
